19坪 简约风-大晴设计-家居别墅-室内设计联盟 - Powered by Discuz!
混凝土房屋 - 3D 模型库中的作品
厨房 - 纽约中型传统深色木地板厨房理念,配有农舍水槽、串珠嵌入式橱柜、白色橱柜、大理石台...
巴恩斯村项目——汉弗莱·蒙森 (Humphrey Munson)
DoLong董龍设计新作「摩登东方」 - 家居鉴赏 - 达人室内设计网 - Powered...
a cottage reborn in coastal maine has hardwea...
17 Charming and Practical Painted Wood Floors...
dungeness roundhouse k photo caitlin atkinson
dungeness roundhouse e photo caitlin atkinson
dungeness roundhouse l photo caitlin atkinson
dungeness roundhouse p photo caitlin atkinson
a pared down writer&#;8\2\17;s desk with ...
the faux foxed mirrored closet is original (r...
the designers preserved st. cyr&#;8\2\17;...
a mudroom/library off the front door adjoins ...
the den is an addition that dates from the \1...
the designers modeled the banquette after chu...
the sink is set in a new addition with a cath...
Tudor Revival: 1927 Los Angeles House Remodel...
the drawers in the window seat are used for &...
the wall here is a mix of spotted gum wood, t...