Siege. Characters by *Gimaldinov on deviantAR...
Dream Team by ~Sidxartxa on deviantART
Hostile concepts 2 by VonToten on deviantART
Hostile concepts by VonToten on deviantART
《卑鄙的我》角色设计|Carter Goodrich, Despicable Me, 环球...
Sketcho : New sketches of old poses by Loish ...
#神奇海盗团# 应景分享部分前期角色概念设定 ,版权属于aardman+sonypictu...
Tiny Thief on Behance
Character design by EnriqueFernandez.devianta...
Character desgin : .: principal character
Game character design on Behance
“Little Heroes World” by Alberto Varanda - Bl...
【漫画名家】HIP-HOP 漫画家 Skottie Young[转贴]_欧美漫画吧_百度贴...
Character Design : Kang Anna https://www.face...
Illustration Characters : Illustration | Char...
Shape Challenge Pirates by *AndyBarry on devi...
BrainSpew the 63rd by Altalamatox on deviantA...
Viking by Sidd - Siddhaarth Ghatwai - CGHUB
The Secretary by Sidd - Siddhaarth Ghatwai - ...
(6)Roy Santua 动画 角色 场景_野苼_新浪博客
Character designs by oriol vidal, via Behance
Snack Attack! by *frogbillgo on deviantART
Dwarves on Behance
Fat Alchemist by Sidxartxa
Todd Harris http://hog-heaven.blogspot.com/s...
. : 종이와 연필은 나에게 마약과 같다. 그것들은 오늘도 내머리속의 환상을 재촉...
Drop 01