来自建筑事务所的描述。http://www.iarch.cn/thread-27083-1-1.html这个复杂的建筑位于东京市中心的一条购物街,这是个曾经繁华的购物街,后来失去了往日的活力。有轨电车的运行轨道与购物街平行,与电车一侧连接的道路正在拓宽,同时这条街上的许多建筑开始重建,本次项目也是其中之一。KURO Building 的一楼作为一间面食餐厅,二楼被用作自用空间,三楼、四楼则用于住宅出租。
From the architect. The complex building on a shopping street of the Tokyo downtown area. This shopping street is losing once activity. The streetcar is running to this shopping street in parallel. In connection with the road of the side of a streetcar being widened, many buildings on this shopping street start to rebuild. This building is also one of them. The second floor is used as the house of a client, the first floor as noodle shop of a client, and the third and the fourth floor as the rental housing.
The client lives in this area from childhood. While needing a presence which is not buried under surroundings, too much conspicuousness is not desirable. We aim for the building which