普利策摄影奖获得者Vincent Laforet摄影师发表了一系列他的故乡纽约的照片,这组他“几十年来梦想捕捉”的照片以前所未有的角度拍摄。在7500英尺的高空中,Laforet的这组名为《哥谭7.5K》的作品展示了大苹果城如电子脉冲一般流光溢彩的夜景。
Something he has “dreamed of capturing for decades,” Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Vincent Laforet has released a stunning set of images that captures his hometown of New York in a way that has never before been seen. Taken from a nauseating 7500-feet above the city, Laforet’s “Gotham 7.5K” series reveals the unrelenting, pulsating energy that radiates from the Big Apple’s city grid.