刘宅,杭州 / 陈飞波设计事务所 : 与自己对话的“回归”型居住空间
Returning Hut by XU FuMin-2
面积约为85平米的公寓改造 5963234
面积约为85平米的公寓改造 5963233
高雅灰卧室,最懂你的心 5992191
Mini apartment迷你公寓 5940316
16- An American Place, Seattle by Olson Kundi...
1-MT 2-GLR arquitectos
015-‘Joie de vivre’ by X & Collective Des...
013-‘Joie de vivre’ by X & Collective Des...
008-‘Joie de vivre’ by X & Collective Des...
007-‘Joie de vivre’ by X & Collective Des...
013-Hall within cloud - Art studio of Xu Hong...
2016-11-19 09.30.43 1.jpg
2016-11-19 09.30.44 2.jpg
010-Games of Boxes_Weiyi
008-Games of Boxes_Weiyi
017-Games of Boxes_Weiyi
005-Games of Boxes_Weiyi
004-Games of Boxes_Weiyi
19- An American Place, Seattle by Olson Kundi...
17-CASA PV2 Madrid by Lucas y Hernandez-Gil A...
16-CASA PV2 Madrid by Lucas y Hernandez-Gil A...
13-CASA PV2 Madrid by Lucas y Hernandez-Gil A...
2-CASA PV2 Madrid by Lucas y Hernandez-Gil Ar...
11-CASA PV2 Madrid by Lucas y Hernandez-Gil A...
3-5:30pm at Billy's House by Eno Design Zhaox...
7-5:30pm at Billy's House by Eno Design Zhaox...
13-5:30pm at Billy's House by Eno Design Zhao...
15-5:30pm at Billy's House by Eno Design Zhao...
003-In and between the boxes_Lukstudio
006-In and between the boxes_Lukstudio
014-In and between the boxes_Lukstudio
003-Games of Boxes_Weiyi