Sakimi Chan 插画作品欣赏
@neoartcore on DrawCrowd : @neoartcore's piec...
sakimichan's DeviantArt gallery :
SakimiArt : Dragon Fruit Fearie pinups :3 NSF...
CG美术人网的照片 - 微相册
超级卡通角色手绘实例训练视频教程第三季-教程下载-微元素Element3ds - Powe...
【新提醒】加拿大年轻画师Sakimi Chan所有教程PSD源文件及笔刷-综合分享-微元素...
【新提醒】超级卡通角色手绘实例训练视频教程第十季-教程下载-微元素Element3ds -...
SakimiArt : Yes I ship them so much *_* I alr...
SakimiArt : sakimichan: “some images I worked...
SakimiArt : voted as the second male NSFW for...
SakimiArt : Photo
SakimiArt : Happy New years guys ! ps last ch...
Hey guys, this is a simple nose step by step ...
SakimiArt : My Looney Tune series !Daffy, Bug...
SakimiArt : three big evils My takes on male ...
SakimiArt : Some more gaia commission, Like m...
SakimiArt : Wips I need to finish XD;;;
SakimiArt : sakimichan:“ Saber painting
SakimiArt : as promised for this term Male NS...
SakimiArt : Wanted to paint long blue ish hai...
SakimiArt : Another original step by step vid...