Open Design Household ware

所属分类:工业设计 是一个网站也是一个设计项目。我们在网站上分享学生们在开放式设计工作坊里面做的灯具,家居摆件和家具。这些学生来自中国广州的广东工业大学和西班牙的Esdir设计院校。我们随时欢迎您来我们的网站,下载自己喜欢的设计并动手制作,从中获得快乐! is a website and a project. We share with you the lamps we design in our workshop in the GDUT Design School, in Guangzhou, China, and the Esdir Design School, in Logroño, Spain. You can visit us, download what you like and make it by and for your self. Have fun!