Victoire de Castellane for Dior Jewellery:
de Grisogono Melody of Colours Collection✿‿✿P...
[顶级珠宝 Faberge 见证璀璨的时刻] 2012巴塞尔世界钟表珠宝已经谢幕,但其中高...
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[顶级奢品温馨闪耀] de GRISOGONO 情迷巴洛克系列高级珠宝Dior玫瑰系列高级...
An aquamarine and diamond ring, by Vita
Art Deco Sapphire and Diamond Ring, Circa 192...
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玉雕 女士必备首饰红珊瑚
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玉雕 台湾精品红珊瑚首饰
玉石 玉雕 橄榄石是一种中档宝石。属斜方晶系,常为…
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