Provenienz: - Galerie Walu, Zürich. - Rudolf ...
Pende Pumbu Chiefs Mask 23, people of the DRC...
Africa | Mask (Banda) from the Nalu peoples, ...
Luba-Songye Kifwebe mask owl DR Congo, Africa...
A Bamana Gwandiki sculpture - the male pendan...
A Do´Kamissa scculpture with two children, Ta...
Africa | Bird sculpture from the Senufo peopl...
Fon Bocio Fetish, Benin
A Jonyeleni sculpture of the Bougouni (?) reg...
Africa | Zoomorphic mask "nwenka" f...
African Sculpture Nkisi Nkondi Democratic by...
Moba Tchitchiri Figure, Togo
Sango Reliquary Guardian 13, Gabon
BAMANA N'TOMO MASK 2, Mali. See too the follo...
Africa | "Mwana Pwo' mask from the Chokw...