Robert DeJesus : Photo
Facebook Anime/Chibi Contest Winner by Banzch...
Lindur Sketch by Banzchan on deviantART
CD5700 Sketch by Banzchan on deviantART
siara_commission_by_banzchan-d7wz6pf.jpg (750...
Facebook Gallery Art 003 by Banzchan
Elise sketch.Commission info here.
Philip redraw. My current pencil portrait com...
Started a facebook gallery for my art and vid...
DayWalkerManifesto Sketch by Banzchan
Siara commission.Commission information.
Cmosley6990 sketch. Current portrait commissi...
Ladyllana Sketch by Banzchan on deviantART
MeG_16 sketch. Portrait commission info.
Commission information.
Sketch by Banzchan on deviantART
Threatlevelmidnightb sketch. My current commi...
Quick sketch of Taylor10529. Please read curr...
Merida by andersonmahanski on DeviantArt:
Princess Ariel by andersonmahanski on Deviant...
Flowers by Raichiyo33 on deviantART . Charact...
moleskine 11 by on ...
Diva by ~andersonmahanski on deviantART:
Marilyn Monroe by ~Alemchl on deviantART | Th...
Character design by Anderson Mahanski:
Meg Paperman por andersonmahanski:
Blue Sketch by Dennia ✤ || CHARACTER DESIGN R...
Another Facebook thing. #Q版# #手绘# #头像#
我的首頁 微博-随时随地发现新鲜事
国外一位大触把将三次元照片中的人物绘制成二次元 ,太神似了吧!萌感爆表!
艺术家Rober DeJesus帮网友把照片变成卡通画儿,改编的挺萌的(源自网络)
Mike Commission by Banzchan on deviantART
Bluewolf5 Commission by Banzchan