Christmas : Decorate your home for the festiv...
Herkkusuu table decoration
Aattokoriste door/window decoration
DIY Sauna set
Helmi Pakkanen table decoration
Helistäjä Pakkanen table decoration
DIY Satu set
Avaintonttu table decoration
Ahmatti Pakkanen table decoration
Ahmattitonttu table decoration
DIY Super set
Hiihtäjätonttu table decoration
Easter : Happy Easter! Aarikka’s adorable bun...
Kananen table decoration
Oksakoru tree decoration
Loitsunoita table decoration
Kukkonen table decoration
Kukko decoration
Jänö table decoration
Helmikana table decoration
Easter egg, big yellow
Kissa table decoration
Pupunen table decoration
Pots, vases & bowls : Aarikka’s pots, vas...
Nuppu vase, large
Pisara vase
Nuppu vase, small
Miniamppeli hanging basket
Nuppu vase, flat open
Nuppu bowl
Games : Games have been part of Aarikka’s pro...
Myllypeli game