Wildstar Ikthian mermaid.
Turn of the century mermaid.
Demon mermaid.
Bottom color layer unadjusted.
Digital rough over pencil.
Initial pencils comped together.
Finished piece.
My digital ink layer.
Final page.
Digital ink.
Unused camera prop
Castle interior.
Balcony for Love is an Open Door.
Unused interior design.
Fish stand for town square.
Fruit stand in the town square.
Waterfall in Love is an Open Door song sequen...
Early Vis Dev for Love is an Open Door.
Painting in the gallery song.
Downtown concept.
Natural History museum mural.
Early vis-dev.
Natural History museum Audobon print.
A goat of some importance.
Natural History museum entry.
Unused sheep bar concept.
A young Mr. Big.
Tundratown design.
A sad clown painting.
The Ottertons.
Early concept.
Natural History museum display.
Crew T-Shirt.
Digital Pencil.
Cory Loftis : Visual Development Artist
Digital pencil.