Untainted 不染 68 x 68 cm Ink and colour on pap...
Heartstrings I & II 心弦 I & II 200 x 4...
Long Corridor 长廊 50 x 200 cm Pigment, ink and...
Stargazing 观星 97 x 97 cm Pigment and ink on p...
Green Lotuses 青荷 100 x 100 cm Pigment and ac...
Playful 嬉戏 138 x 68 cm Ink and colour on pap...
Carefree 无忧 138 x 34 cm x 2 Ink and colour o...
Ephemeral 水过无痕 140 x 140 cm Pigment and acry...
The Moon Sets in My Rippling Heart 月落波心 68 x...
A Chance Meeting 萍水相逢 68 x 68 cm Ink and colo...
Fancy 喜欢 60 x 145 cm Ink and colour on paper ...
Scholar’s Style 书卷气 178 x 43 cm Pigment and ...
Heavenly Script I, II & III 天书 I, II &...
Mindful 参禅 100 x 100 cm Pigment and acrylic ...
Starlight Shower 星星洒落 68 x 68 cm Pigment, ink...
Unbridled 提笔不为风雅 100 x 100 cm Pigment and col...
Pondside 隔岸观荷 50 x 200 cm Pigment, ink and co...
LOTUS POND : In confidence 悄悄话 97 x 97 cm Pig...
My Heart’s Content 不亦乐乎 97 x 185 cm Pigment a...
Peekaboo 躲猫猫 49 x 200 cm Pigment and ink on p...
The Sound of Silence 听禅 45 x 45 cm Pigment an...
Raindrop 初雨 97 x 100 cm Pigment and ink on pa...
A Scented Life 闻道 45 x 45 cm Pigment, ink and...
To Catch the Moon 奔月 97 x 97 cm Pigment and i...
Burble 潺潺 68 x 68 cm Pigment and acrylic on p...
Misty 谁能看清 100 x 100 cm Pigment and colour on...
Life Begins at Forty 四十不惑 68 x 68 cm Pigment ...
Four and One-Fourth 四又四分之一 97 x 97 cm Pigment...
Soundless Rain 润物无声 97 x 102 cm Pigment, ink ...
Her Eyebrow 黑眉红衫 97 x 97 cm Pigment, ink and...
Night Owl 夜猫子 97 x 97 cm Pigment, ink and co...
Innocence 青涩的你 97 x 97 cm Pigment, ink and c...
In the Mood for Love 花样年华 97 x 97 cm Pigment ...
Bosom Friend 红颜 97 x 97 cm Pigment and ink on...
Amazing Grace 姑娘十八 97 x 97 cm Pigment and ink...
Unfettered 淋漓 97 x 97 cm Pigment and ink on p...
Starry Night 星夜 97 x 97 cm Pigment and ink on...
Absence of Mind 失神的片刻 97 x 97 cm Pigment and...