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Spine #351|Víctor Erice's El espíritu de la c...
Spine #349|Noah Baumbach's Kicking and Scream...
Spine #355|Francesco Rosi's Le mani sulla cit...
Spine #354|Lodge Kerrigan's Clean, Shaven, 19...
Spine #352|中川信夫「地獄」(Jigoku), 1960.
Spine #353|Alfonso Cuarón's Sólo con tu parej...
Spine #347|Eric Rohmer's Le genou de Claire (...
Spine #343|Eric Rohmer's La boulangère de Mon...
Spine #345|Eric Rohmer's Ma nuit chez Maud (M...
Spine #341|Michael Powell and Emeric Pressbur...
Spine #340|Barbet Schroeder's Koko, le gorill...
Spine #339|楊徳昌「一一」(Yi Yi), 2000.
Spine #338|Jack Woods' Equinox, 1970.
Spine #336|Richard Linklater's Dazed and Conf...
Spine #334|Barbara Kopple's Harlan County USA...
Spine #335|Louis Malle's Ascenseur pour l'éch...
Spine #333|Marco Bellocchio's I pugni in tasc...
Spine #326|Whit Stillman's Metropolitan, 1990...
Spine #332|Luis Buñuel's Viridiana, 1961.
Spine #331|小津安二郎「晩春」(Late Spring), 1949.
Spine #330|Louis Malle's Au revoir les enfant...
Spine #327|3 Films by Louis Malle
Spine #325|Robert Hamer's Kind Hearts and Cor...
Spine #324|Jean Renoir' La bête humaine, 1938...
Spine #322|Orson Welles' Mr. Arkadin (The Com...
Spine #323|Vittorio De Sica's I bambini ci gu...
Spine #321|Ingmar Bergman's Jungfrukällan (Th...
Spine #320|John Ford's Young Mr. Lincoln, 193...
Spine #318|René Clément's Jeux interdits (For...
Spine #319|黒沢明「悪い奴ほどよく眠る」(The Bad Sleep Well)...
Spine #317|Michael Powell and Emeric Pressbur...
Spine #315|François Truffaut's Tirez sur le p...
Spine #312|篠田正浩「異聞猿飛佐助」(Samurai Spy), 1965.
Spine #313|岡本喜八「斬る」(Kill!), 1968.
Spine #314|Robert Bresson's Pickpocket, 1959.
Spine #311|五社英雄「獣の剣」(Sword of the Beast), 196...
Spine #310|小林正樹「上意討ち 拝領妻始末」(Samurai Rebellion...
Spine #310-313|Rebel Samurai: Sixties Swordpl...