ArtStation - Character Concept art Illustrati...
ArtStation - Dark Castle Warrior , Russell Do...
ArtStation - Caranthir - Witcher 3, AMC Ro St...
Sora Kim : Sora Kim_Concept Artist
Knight of the Dragon of the White Night, WonJ...
knight, coco kim : Adobe Photoshop
Medieval concept design, Hyungwoo Kim : 2021 ...
personal work, Mam BA : I am studying the pro...
sparth . : Art Director - Halo 5
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88763aa9ge1230265ae6f&690 (800×788)
拿破仑, 油画, 加冕, 大卫, 1804, 12月2日, 巴黎圣母院, 约瑟芬皇后
#刀锋铁骑#武将的大头艺术照#中国风原画# #中国风铠甲# #中国风设定#@北坤人素材