拉蒙·卡萨斯出生在巴塞罗那。他父亲在古巴的马坦萨斯(Matanzas)发了财,母亲来自一个富裕的加泰罗尼亚家庭。1877年,他放弃了正规的教育课程,在琼·维琴斯(Joan Vicens)工作室学习艺术。1881年,他还是个十几岁的孩子,是《 L'
The Nazareno
Portrait of Young Woman
Portrait of Josep Lluís Pellicer
Portrait of Lluís Bagaria
Woman Painting
Portrait of Maurici Vilomara
Miquel Utrillo, Ramon Casas i Leandre Galcera...
Portrait of Lluís Domènech i Montaner
Portrait of Joaquín Álvarez Quintero
Portrait of Gabrielle Réjane
Portrait of Miquel dels Sants Oliver
Portrait of Manuel Bueno
Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of Manuel Benedito
Portrait of Luis Morote
Self Portrait
Lady in Red
Portrait of Julia
Portrait of Julia Peraire
Portrait of Madam Baladia
Portrait of Miquel Blay
Interior with figure
Portrait of Josep Parera
Portrait of Lluís Labarta
Portrait of Lluís Millet
Portrait of Josep Pascó
Portrait of Leandre Galceran
Portrait of Manuel Fuxà
Portrait of Manuel Font
Portrait of Josep Coll i Britapaja
Portrait of Josep Montserrat
Portrait of Manuel Duran i Bas
Portrait of Josep Masriera
Portrait of José León Pagano
Portrait of Josep Llimona
Portrait of Lluís Graner
Portrait of Manuel Duran i Ventosa
Portrait of Josep Codina