雷明顿于1861年出生于纽约州坎顿市的塞思·皮尔庞特·雷明顿(Seth Pierrepont Remington,1830-1880)和克拉丽莎·巴斯科姆·萨克莱德( Clarissa "Clara" Bascom Sackrid
The Last Lull in the Fight
Field Drill for the Prussian Infantry
Pony Tracks in the Buffalo Trails
Ridden Down
Cavalry in an Arizona Sandstorm
What an Unbranded Cow Has Cost
His First Lesson
A Reconnaissance
Pool in the Desert
Through the Smoke Sprang the Daring Soldier
The Long-Horn Cattle Sign
A Cavalryman's Breakfast on the Plains
The Buffalo Hunt
The Advance
Buying Polo Ponies in the West
Arresting the Deserter
The Couriers
Signaling the Main Command
The Fall of the Cowboy
Against the Sunset
A Pack Train
Battle of Washita
The Moose Hunt
Waiting in the Moonlight
When His Heart is Bad
Bull Fight in Mexico
Prairie Fire
On the Caribou Tracks
A Breed
Cossack Picket on the German Frontier
Lieutenant S. C. Robertson, Chief of the Crow...
The Signal
The Old Stage Coach of the Plains
An Indian Trapper
Modern Comanche
The Cowboy
Self Portrait
Cheyenne Scouts Patrolling the Big Timber of ...
A Vaquero