The Scouting Party
The Retreat
Winter Scene, New Jersey
Ice Gatherers
Study for
Duck Hunters on the Hoboken Marshes
Hunting Wild Horses
Boone's First View of Kentucky
Recruiting for the Continental Army
Crossing the Ferry - Scene on the Pee Dee
Wild Duck Shooting - On the Wing
On the Wing
First Fish of the Season
The Wounded Scout
The Chase is On
Halt on the Prairie
The Trappers
First News of the Battle of Lexington
Prairie Burial
Veterans of 1776 Returning from the War
Haying Time
Waiting for the Ferry
Pennsylvania Teamster
The Retrieve
The Trapper's Last Shot
The Lasso
Shad Fishing on the Hudson
Battle of Cowpens
Washington Rallying the Americans at the Batt...
The Last Shot
The Lazy Fisherman
Portrait of Clarissa Gaylord Ranney
Deer Hunters