Billboard People 廣告版前 (1963)
Back-Alley-Shine, China 廣州後巷 (1947)
Boating Women 無情海 (1960)
Cart Dance 車之舞 (1960)
Children Playing 黑帳下 (1964)
Children's Paradise 兒童樂園 (1959)
Crossboat 十字船 (1957)
Damn You! 罵 (1964)
Different Direction 各奔前程 (1958)
East Meets West 東西匯 (1963)
First Class 頭等 (1960)
Floating Family 浮家 (1957)
Hong Kong Midnight 夜深沉 (1958)
Hong Kong Skyline 香港一景 (1955)
Journey Mystique 神祕旅程 (1960)
La Strada 大路 (1961)
Ladder Street 石板街 (1961)
Les Misérables 悲慘世界 (1963)
Life in Slum 貧民窟 (1966)
Little Grandma 小祖母 (1958)
Little Women 小婦人 (1961)
Long Shan Temple, Taiwan 臺灣龍山寺 (1966)
Mother and Child 兩母子 (1961)
Multifunction Stairway 梯間小天地 (1961)
Offshore, Shanghai 上海外灘 (1945)
Out There 外界 (1959)
Out to Sea 出海 (1957)
Remembrance 憶念 (1965)
Rickshaw Men 黃包車佚 (1959)
Run, Girl, Run 奔 (1959)
Shop Window櫥窗 (1956)
Shadow Fingers 弄影 (1957)
Skeletons 骨架 (1961)
Steps 超生層 (1960)
Swaying Tents 律動 (1961)
The Evening of Life 近黃昏 (1963)
The Market Parade 街市隊伍 (1963)
The Other Side of the Theatre 人生如戲 (1957)
Triangular 三角構圖 (1962)
Trinity 三合一 (1960)