Tropical Dreams : This is a project for a spr...
Hello Kongzi : a project with Hello Kongzi
Usbek & Rica #14 : I did two editorial il...
Editorial Collection 2014-2015 : A collection...
The New York Times 11.1 2014-5.1 2015 : This ...
Life Magazine China : These are some editoria...
Magic Wand : These two pieces are for an indi...
野糖网的照片 - 微相册
Yue Hui magazine cover : This is August issue...
A character in developing
Readers : Some illustrations I did through th...
Did an illo for website hopes and fears! It i...
Thick lips 厚嘴唇 on Behance
15岁成名,29岁登上福布斯,她就是插画圈的“天才少女”?_Lisk_丰风_生活 : 在...