Goblin/ Гоблин
Astropulse- Mutated Fauna
Dional Beast- Wicked Foundations
Astropulse concept work_2
Traha works
The Princess of the South
The Immortal Podium: Ethereal Boar
The Immortal Podium: Astrological Canine
The Immortal Podium: Cosmic Crower
The Immortal Podium: G.O.A.T
The Immortal Podium: Ancient Stallion
The Immortal Podium: Starlight Serpent
The Immortal Podium: Enigmatic Dragon
The Immortal Podium: Angelic Hare
The Immortal Podium: Impervious Bull
The Immortal Podium: Mischievous Vermin
Erevan Items - 01
Concept Dump
Personal work 04
Personal work 03
Personal work 02