King of thieves : You can play in appstore ht...
latest (256×280)
Freedom-Sworn : Freedom-Sworn is a 5-Star swo...
Summit Shaper : Summit Shaper (Chinese: 斫峰之刃)...
Mistsplitter Reforged : A sword that blazes w...
Haran Geppaku Futsu : Haran Geppaku Futsu (Ja...
Primordial Jade Cutter : Primordial Jade Cutt...
Skyward Blade : Skyward Blade is a 5-Star Mon...
Aquila Favonia : Aquila Favonia is a 5-Star s...
Amenoma Kageuchi : Amenoma Kageuchi (Japanese...
The Flute : The Flute is a 4-Star Sword. Tota...
The Black Sword : The Black Sword is a 4-Star...
Royal Longsword : An old longsword that belon...
The Alley Flash : The Alley Flash is a 4-Star...
Sword of Descension : Sword of Descension is ...
Prototype Rancour : Prototype Rancour (Chines...
Lion's Roar : Lion's Roar (Chinese: 匣里龙吟 &quo...
Festering Desire : Festering Desire is a 4-St...
Iron Sting : An exotic long-bladed rapier tha...
Sacrificial Sword : Sacrificial Sword is a 4-...
Favonius Sword : Favonius Sword is a 4-Star s...
Cinnabar Spindle : Cinnabar Spindle is an Eve...
Fillet Blade : Fillet Blade (Chinese: 吃虎鱼刀 &q...
Blackcliff Longsword : Blackcliff Longsword (...
Harbinger of Dawn : Harbinger of Dawn is a 3-...
Skyrider Sword : Skyrider Sword (Chinese: 飞天御...
Dark Iron Sword : Dark Iron Sword is a 3-Star...
Silver Sword : Silver Sword is a 2-Star sword...
Cool Steel : Cool Steel is a 3-Star sword. To...
Traveler's Handy Sword : Traveler's Handy Swo...
Dull Blade : Dull Blade is a 1-Star sword. To...
Wolf's Gravestone
Song of Broken Pines : Song of Broken Pines i...
Redhorn Stonethresher : According to its prev...
Whiteblind : Whiteblind is a craftable 4-Star...
Skyward Pride : Skyward Pride is a 5-Star cla...
Snow-Tombed Starsilver : Snow-Tombed Starsilv...
The Bell : The Bell is a 4-Star claymore. Tot...