Rose Wylie
“In answer to the question, 'How do you know when a painting is finished?' You don't until you see it. Something just impels you to stop because it looks alright.”
(“回答这个问题,‘你怎么知道一幅画什么时候完成?’你不知道,直到你看到它。有些事情会驱使你停下来 ...展开全文c
“In answer to the question, 'How do you know when a painting is finished?' You don't until you see it. Something just impels you to stop because it looks alright.”
(“回答这个问题,‘你怎么知道一幅画什么时候完成?’你不知道,直到你看到它。有些事情会驱使你停下来 ...展开全文c