[成语:虎不成反类狗] 画成语拼音:huà
hǔ bù chéng fǎn lèi gǒu成语典故解释:类:象。画老虎不成,却象狗。比喻模仿不到家,反而不伦不类。英文解释:try to draw a tiger and end up with the likeness of a dog―make a poor
imitation <attempting more than one has ability for>成语来源:南朝•宋•范晔《后汉书•马援转》:“效季良不得,陷......
hǔ bù chéng fǎn lèi gǒu成语典故解释:类:象。画老虎不成,却象狗。比喻模仿不到家,反而不伦不类。英文解释:try to draw a tiger and end up with the likeness of a dog―make a poor
imitation <attempting more than one has ability for>成语来源:南朝•宋•范晔《后汉书•马援转》:“效季良不得,陷......